Monday 5 August 2013

Northern Crested Newts have moved into our pond!

Our Resident Zoologist/herpetologist (son) Richard has positively identified the presence of Northern (or Greater) Crested Newts in our garden pond.
This is good news, as these Newts are one of only four amphibians which are protected by the UK Biodiversity Action Plan.

It wouldn't be such good news if we were planning to do extend the house or built in the garden as the authorities would have the power to stop any work that would disturb their habitat. It is an offense to:
  • Intentionally kill, injure or take a northern crested newt
  • Possess or control any live or dead specimen or anything derived from a northern crested newt
  • Intentionally or recklessly damage, destroy or obstruct access to any structure or place used for shelter or protection by a northern crested newt (in practice this means both its breeding sites, and its terrestrial habitat)
  • Intentionally or recklessly disturb a northern crested newt while it is occupying a structure or place which it uses for that purpose

Richard finds a Northern Crested Newt

Positive ID through the underside markings by photographing through a glass plate

Close up of Northern Crested Newt

Sunday 21 July 2013

Muntjac buck browsing in the woods opposite our B&B

Interesting video of a Muntjac buck is 'in velvet' (the antlers are still covered with skin) - they are of an unusual shape for a Muntjac.

Monday 3 June 2013

Green Tourism Award

Today we received the good news that we have been a 'Silver' in the Green Tourism Business Scheme.

Monday 11 March 2013

Redwings spotted in our garden

This morning we spotted a large amount of Redwings on our lawn, we counted 50+.
One moment they were there, next moment they were gone. The Redwing is rarely seen in gardens as it is typical farmland and hedgerow bird. For more information:

We didn't manage to take any pictures - we found this picture on the Net.

(Photo by Mick Dryden)

Friday 18 January 2013

Green Tourism Scheme (England)

We are now a member of the England Green Tourism Scheme and will soon be audited and graded.
Green Tourism Scheme

Monday 7 January 2013

Infrared pictures of wildlife in our garden

Father Christmas left me a lovely present: A wildlife Cam.
This one is now set up to make pictures only when it is dark, triggered by PIR or Passive Infra Red.
When the camera senses an animal it quickly makes three pictures in three seconds. So far we have only managed dozens of pictures of our chickens, on those nights they're still out after 16.00 Hours. But finally....a fine Muntjac buck, and a Fox dog.